So this tutorial is request by Ummi so let start it .
1step . Dashboard - Design - Edit HTML - Tick Widget Template search for this code
/* Content
Got it ? 2step copy code below here and paste on top the code that you have been search just now
.Header img {margin-$startSide: auto;margin-$endSide: auto;}
So easy right ? Don't save first click preview first for save. Kayy so enjoy it guys 

done , kamsahamida :">
@Yong Junhyung:D
dah buad tak center pun ? :(
@she winteryeke ? U guna templates apa ?
thank u.. :)
@nurul rabiatul adawiyahYou're welcome (:
shin ,kenapa i dah buat tapi tak center eh ?
@Syakireen YusoffYou guna template apa ?
macam mana nak cari code yg atas tuuuuuu? :((((
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