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I'm a patients , so I need to eat drugs

So today around 1.25pm I went to clinic , because ? Yes , I'm sick I have a horrible runny nose, cough and my voice is totally SEXY #sick . And I have tuition at 9am and my mom suddenly ask me " are u sick ? " and her daughter say " Yes I'm " .
What inside this ? #Ubat lah apa lagi , biasalah jaga alam sekitar right ? We using paper and SAY NO TO PLASTICK BEG .

Aku pegi tengok clinic kanak-kanak --

 Back #Perh colorful candy , ubat lah actually candy apa bendanya --

Front #Ni bukan dadah okay ? Ni ubat kang ingat dadah pula haha .

Okay those is my drugs , what do u think ? Jyeah pity me have to eat all this drugs , but nasih kecik saja ubat dia . If besar ? Perh telan muntah apa aku ni . Haha and guess what ? #Okay annoyed , aku pegi clinic kanak-kanak , I was like WHAT ? Time I masuk semua baby baby comel comel , aku masuk serupa macam BABI BESAR PUNYA haha xD quite shame actually .

Kbai :)