Don't know what is scroll bar ? Let the picture explain it .
So today I'm going to teach you guys how to change your scroll bar in your blog. So let start it straight to the point 
1step . Dashboard - Design - Edit HTML - Tick Expand Widget Template search for this code.
a:hover {
Got it

2step . Paste code below on top a:hover {
::-webkit-scrollbar {
width: 12px;
background: #C8BBBE;
::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
background-color: #FDEEF4;
-moz-border-radius: 10px;
border-radius: 10px;
The code that I bold it in red color you can change it .
Okay done , It so easy fast and didn't waste your time. Enjoy and give me a comment or like

Hye Cyhnthia (!)
tak menjadi lah .
kenapa ek ?
@Fatin Ayu Why tak menjadi ? If nak tengok hasilnya kebnyak for google chome user saja. If firefox user tak bleh tengok hasilnya :)
hey, denim template memg xjumpe la
yang code nii ~ a:hover {
@Shin , Tapi I memang guna google chrome . Btw kena tukar bentuk scorll tu dulu ke ?
@Fatin AyuThen u kena save dulu baru dia mjadi kot , tak perlu pun u just kena tukar color scroll to saja .
@bbBunny93Okay then , Jap I buat tutorial for denim template
kenapa tak jadi ehh ? i guna google chrome jugak . dah save tapi tak boleh jugakk :\
@Qiey evansu guna layout apa ?
thx for your tutorial Cynthia ^^
btw..code 2 kne paste kt ast hover la..bkn bwh.. ^^
@GemishuBut I paste atas okay saja ? Aww maybe templates tak same :)
Ohh hello :) Kenapa i buat tuto ni tak menjadi langsung :( Help me please!
@nur shafika seninWhy pula tak menjadi ? Try paste code to kat bawah tengok :)
Tiada apa apa perubahan pun .
@Amiera EllyshaYou guna template apa ? And website apa ?
@Amiera EllyshaYou guna template apa ? And website apa ?
Menjadi lah . Arigato^^
@Beginning The StoryBgus lah if menjadi :)
i use its :) thanks
@dAx x shumEll (@^_^@)You're welcome :)
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