Okay first of all I forget where didn't I get this tutorial so jangan ikut suka mulut wangi you to kata I copy and paste it okay ? If I ingat I ambil dari mana confirm I will put credit. Okay ? So let start it ;)
1step Dashboard - design - edit HTML - Tick Widget Templates and search for this code
<!-- feed links -->
Got it right ? So try look under this code <!-- feed links --> have this code right
<!-- feed links--><b:include name='feedLinks'/>
Okay so now you change that code to this code ,
<!-- feed links<b:include name='feedLinks'/> -->
Okay so done. For more save click preview first. So enjoy it :) 

thank you! its working. :)
@Wanaa NanaGood :)
thank u.. :)
@nurul rabiatul adawiyahYou're welcome (:
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