So today I'm going to teach you guys how to create a background title version1 . So let start this tutorial

h, .comments h4 {

text-align:center;-webkit-border-top-left-radius: 15px;-webkit-border-top-right-radius: 15px;text-shadow: 3px 3px 3px #041525;border-bottom: 5px solid #64B7FF;background : #D2EBFF;
The code that I bold it , just change it to your favorite color. Okay preview save and done .
If you using this tutorial please comment here or like/share it . Thank you !
kenapa saya punyer x bolee wat cam ney ??
@budax gilaxu guna layout apa ?
denim laa.. x bolee maa..
@budax gilaxIf denim I taktahu lah cause yang ni untuk simple tempaltes saja .
shin . i pnye blog gne 'moving post title' . bole gne blog title bckground jgk keaa babe ?
@ƨʓɛѴǤTaktahu lah , u try nak tengok boleh ke tak :)
Shin macam mana nak kecik kan , i buat why besar . I nak kecik macam kat gambar tuu
@Nazurah Berceritau nmpak tak yg 15 to hah tukar saja :)
thanks :)
@Miss ShiraYou're welcome :)
thanks for this tuto :) love it! teehee
@furahin FARDOSSSihat begitu :)
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